Sample 3 Inventors Challenge:
What Would You Do With a Torch?
There is the obvious…use the torch to create light where it is needed. But, that is the obvious. We don’t want you to tell us the obvious. We want you to think about the torch…look at how it works…study the inner parts…how do they work…why do they work.
Each invention is only as good as the sum of its individual parts. If you look at each individual part of an invention you will find yourself staring at a tool chest of potential! Every individual part that makes up the whole torch - or any invention - can serve to create something new…something totally removed from the torch!
We invite you to examine the pictures below to understand how the different parts that make up this “tool” – a torch – work together. Consider each individual part and how they interact together to produce light.
Now…think like an inventor! Ask yourself, “What could I do with any one piece that is inside this torch? What would happen if I combined some of these parts that make up this torch? How could I use some of these parts to create a whole NEW invention? What can I make from combining some of these parts in a new way???”
It can be VERY SIMPLE! What would you invent if the parts from inside this torch were put in your hands! Read through the rules and send us your entry to tell us what the inventor in you would re-invent using the parts inside a torch!