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iSTART Inventing!


Two Ways to Win:
Weekly STI Challenges, 
and the iSTART Inventing! BIG Contest
Through these unprecedented times, we see an opportunity to advance instead of retreat. Let's use this time to our advantage!
We invite you to compete to win weekly prizes and get your creative engines fully engaged in the inventing process.
Weekly Challenges are designed for quick thinking...everyone looks at the same "tool" and comes up with a short, innovative use for that "tool"...a great way to "prime the pump" for getting your creative juices flowing to enter the the BIG contest!
For the BIG challenge, ask yourself, "What would I do if I had unlimited supplies and resources?"
Do you have a dream? Maybe you think you have an answer to a problem in Kenya or somewhere else in the world! Let's use this time to keep moving Kenya to the next level. President Kenyatta had a dream that by 2030 we would be a forerunner in this next century. Let's make it happen!
To find out details and the rules for the Weekly Challenges, click here!
To find out how to enter the BIG contest, click here!
Team Building


This Part is easy. We set the youngest at 12 because over the last 22 years of Innovation contests that we have been a part of we have seen amazing things from our 12 year old's. Our Goal on the oldest is for all Secondary School students to qualify. If you are in Secondary School and older than 20 you can request permission and it will be given. Yes, if you graduated and are 20 or younger you also qualify. 






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Getting Ready...
Want to take your dream and make it a reality? Let's START Inventing!
The first step in the engineering process is to see a problem. 
The next is to see what is out there already  by researching the problem. Why re-invent the wheel?
Is there an answer to the problem that has been rumbling around in your brain? If yes, is it being used? Can you make it better? If it is not out there, START now to use your world changing, problem solving mind to shape it into a reality!
We invite you to an AWESOME journey through the world of innovations currently being invented by young people! To get a taste of what's been invented by young people like you, click here! 
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Submit Your Idea...


It can be a new one or a way to modify an existing idea that has stalled and you have worked out a way to make it better!

We will take the top ideas and bring engineers and suppliers together to with you to bring the idea into reality. 


Let's make Kenya the leader of Innovation in Africa and how to develop 21st Century thinking!



Submission Rules


Why have some of the best minds in creating innovative programs for education gotten together to offer you a contest in the world of inventing?

  1. Because you carry the seeds of ideas you may not even know live inside your brain! Yes, you! As you go through your everyday life…you see and experience the “stuff” that brings inventions to life!

  2. What better time than now to search what ideas lurk in the recesses of your creativity!  Your school has had to shut down…time seems to be moving SO slowly as you wait for life to return to normal…what better time than now to let your brain go wildly free to explore ideas and inventions!

Sound good? OK…get a pencil, paper and get ready! READ MORE...


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Need Help?


If you have any questions please feel free to leave a note on the contact us page.

 We will be starting a Forum in the future.

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