You are never too old or too young to learn something new. Every journey starts with that first step.
What better way to learn than to tackle a dynamic challenge! Interactive challenges can get you moving and propel you toward actualizing your dreams.
When you apply your innovative and entrepreneurial skills, you can be an agent of change in this world!
Welcome to our world at START ... a place where ideas become a reality!
Our team at START is convinced that Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) are well tilled fields, rich with of fertile soil that's just waiting for you to plant your seeds of creative thinking. We believe that you have the capacity within you to develop solutions for Kenya and the world!
Our team is dedicated to sending a message to young and old alike that you don't have to be an Engineer to become a skilled problem solver. Enterprising entrepreneurs are often ordinary people who had ideas that began as a small seed of a possibility. The next "world changer" might just be the one who is sitting next to you on the matatu...or it might just be you!
To help you discover and unleash your "inner innovator," iSTART Learning provides opportunities where you acquire knowledge, tools you need, to tackle new challenges. Just like a sport, where practice makes you better, the opportunities we provide are designed for you to learn while developing your innovative skills.
Jump onboard today and enjoy the challenge!